Yogurt & Fruit Tea Workshop
等待已久的 8 月份工作坊开始开放报名了!!
August Workshop open for Registration!!
你对我们哪一个工作坊有兴趣呢? Which workshop you wish to join?
Comment below and let us know!
1)酸奶 Yogurt
2)水果茶 Fruit Tea
3)珍珠奶茶 Bubble Milk Tea
You will receive the technique and drinks recipe, also there's a Cash Voucher given to you to purchase the items!
一堂工作坊只允许10个人哦。。1 workshop entitled for 10 Person only..
*一间公司只能最多 2个人 1 Company entitled for 2pax only.
所以赶紧预订吧!Quickly Grab this chance now!
工作坊报名链接 Workshop Register Link:https://forms.gle/TC64xn7krzLHSWBr6
#fruittea #workshop #bubbletea #teaseries
Inquiry - Yogurt & Fruit Tea Workshop